3 Core Values Holistic Nurse Entrepreneurs Share (Especially Nurse Coaches)

12-03-24 06:23 PM - Comment(s) - By Sharon Burch

And How We Can Unite in Visibly Applying Them in Our Businesses

3 Core Values Holistic Nurse Entrepreneurs Share (Especially Nurse Coaches)

Shared Core Values of Holistic Nurse Entrepreneurs

One of my core values and prayers is for Peace on Earth. To me, Peace means:
  • There’s safety for all people and support for true holistic wellness.
  • We are no longer divided by hate or fear.
  • We meet each other heart to heart, mind to mind, as equals who have a wide variety of gifts to share.
  • We experience the love and compassion that live inside all of us and unite us as one.
  • We feel we all belong, we all matter, and everyone's needs are heard and included.
  • We share the earth’s resources responsibly and equitably, with more transparency and less deception.
  • And we relax into kindness, with a gentle curiosity about ourselves and others.
But these are troubling times, and many people are struggling. You may be as well. 

While there is no denying the disruptive events in our world, you have likely learned that where you place your focus has a great deal to do with your inner experiences of Peace, Gratitude, and more.

In this holiday (holy day) season, it is important to me to practice the energy of Gratitude and remind us of its power. Gratitude lifts our conscious awareness, helping our hearts to be more Open, Humble, Peaceful, and Sharing.

These are five of my most core values, with Peace, Gratitude, and Sharing being my top three. Perhaps these values could be summed up in the short phrase: None of us are truly well until we all are.

Overwhelmingly, the entrepreneurial nurses I've talked with over the last three years embrace these values, too.

How We Can Unite and Visibly Apply Our Core Values

By joining together as a community of entrepreneurial nurses, we have the power to provide visible products, programs, and services to the public that not only share our education, experience, and skills - but also embody and radiate caring, healing, unifying consciousness wherever it needs support.


Intentionally placing our focus on what brings us Peace and Gratitude puts us in the presence of uplifting energy and shapes our mind toward more inspiration and imagination.


Peace might feel like a sudden sensation of the extraordinary when you gaze upon a newborn baby, twinkling stars on a clear night, or the sudden happiness you feel when you greet an old friend. Another day, Gratitude might be the cuteness of a playful puppy, dancing to your favorite music, or the smell of a fragrant flower.


The opposite of these feelings also has an impact. When putting your focus on what you don’t like or want, heavier emotions rise, dulling your senses and limiting your ability to solve problems and be creative. In this judgmental, emotional state, it is common to blame yourself or others for what you don’t like about the situation.


Instead, you can choose to look for ordinary moments that bring you Peace or Gratitude and make you smile. There’s always something to be grateful for. When you feel yourself pushing too hard, or feeling low, remember to redirect your focus to feeling Peace or Gratitude. It may be a smile toward a co-worker, a big belly laugh, or a fresh cup of coffee. This is simple medicine and freely available to all of us all the time.


With practice, these extraordinary moments will gently pull you from the problem focused, reactive mindset toward a heart-centered experience. Here are a few more benefits of feeling Peace or Gratitude:

  • They transform negative emotions. Unlike the drama emotions of fear, pride, or anxiety, which trigger your fight-or-flight response, Peace and Gratitude help you stay calm and present.
  • They create feelings of generosity and empathy for others without expecting anything in return. It is not possible to be stingy and generous or self-centered and empathetic at the same time.
  • They alter your neurological and hormonal response, promoting positive health indicators. Research shows feeling grateful or at peace plays a role in health and healing, lowering blood pressure, and building a stronger immune system.


Humans are marvelously complex beings. The process of becoming more self-aware has a variety of paths. Feeling your Gratitude—not what you may tell yourself you should feel—will guide you along the path of a more fulfilling life.


When you emphasize and cultivate Grateful or Peaceful moments, you are restoring your energy and literally changing the DNA structure throughout your body. Peace and Gratitude lighten your heart and change your brain for the good!


I created the Liberated Nurse Entrepreneurs’ Business Development Community because I felt called to do so, and I consciously practice applying my core values in my business every day.


I invite you to practice your core values together with me and a growing number of holistic nurse entrepreneurs, even when that makes us different from conventional, mainstream businesses.


I invite you to step into the true strength, power, and wisdom of your inspiration and light.


May you have the courage to follow your calling.


May you know that you are capable of much more fulfillment than you have experienced before now.


May you claim the support that’s available to you.


May you step forward in power on your unique path of contribution.


May we together shine our light to benefit all neighborhoods, all communities, and all hearts.


Here’s to your success!

Sharon Burch

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